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Are you looking for even more information about archaeology in Manitoba?
Well, you have come to the right place!
Check out our selection of books and journals available for purchase to keep on learning.
The latest release from the Manitoba Museum Archeology Department, Dibaajimindwaa Geteyaag: Ogiiyose, Noojigii-goo’iwe gaye Dibinawaag Nibiing Onji/Stories of the Old Ones: Hunter and Fisher from Sheltered Water, sits at the intersection of Indigenous science and Indigenous art with non-Indigenous science.
Written from an Indigenous perspective, this book tells the story of a 4,000-year-old Ancestor whose remains were found eroding on the banks for the Lee River in Manitoba. Written by Kevin Brownlee, Curator of Archaeology at the Manitoba Museum, this book is a very personal description of “the Old One’s” journey from recovery to reburial with a man we have come to know as the Two Eagles Ancestor.
The hard-cover book, designed by Ed Winters, has one hundred and eighty-four beautifully illustrated pages and is available through the Manitoba Museum Bookstore at a cost of $39.95 CDN plus tax ($51.94)
Current MAS members (family, individual, student) can purchase ONE copy for $10. Non-Members pay $39.95 CDN plus tax ($51.94) If shipping is required $20.00
Winnipeg and Brandon area residents can make arrangements to pick up a copy with one of our Executive or Council members. Please email if you want to pick up a copy (and avoid the $20.00 mailing cost). |
![]() One of the Historic Resource Branch's goals in working with developers is the release of information about heritage resources in a public-friendly format. A suggestion was made that the company may find that publishing the material in book format would be an attractive way to add value to its reporting on the archaeological mitigation that was currently underway at the site. The company agreed that this would indeed be a creative way to report on the work that they were undertaking prior to the construction. The book is titled Uncovering Early Aboriginal History in Southern Manitoba (2011). It is 128 pages long and has 74 illustrations comprising maps, artifact photos and drawings, and "people pictures" showing living scenes and imagery based on the findings at DkMi-5 and other sites in southern Manitoba and elsewhere. The volume describes the objectives of conducting excavation of archaeological sites in general and DkMi-5 in particular. As a history book, it is intended to tell a series of stories about what happened at a certain locale on the prairie landscape at certain times in the past. In addition to archaeological data, the book contains abundant coverage of the changing palaeoenvironments. The volume also contains Indigenous teachings that have some topical commonality with geological and archaeological findings in Manitoba and elsewhere. The ultimate goal of the project was to create a highly professional volume specifically for educational purposes. The attempt was made to utilize language, illustrations and information that would appeal to a non-specialist audience, rather than to the more narrowly-defined scientific/academic community. This approach is in line with the HRB's aims when delivering archaeological information to the public. Accordingly, copies were distributed free-of-charge to school and public libraries throughout Manitoba in early 2011. A more technical version of the book can be found in Volume 21 (2011) of the Manitoba Archaeological Journal. Leo Pettipas [original message edited for length by MAS] Price to purchase this book: $15.00 for MAS members $25.00 for non-MAS members To purchase this book from the MAS, please contact us at or use the PayPal link below |
Leo Pettipas - A Review of the Early Holocene Environmental and Cultural History of the Northern Lake Agassiz Region, with Special Reference to Manitoba David S. Norris - The Presence of Net-impressed and Horizontally Corded Ware in Southern Manitoba: The Relationship between Rock Lake and Brainerd Ware |
Leo Pettipas - An Environmental and Cultural History of The Eastern Lake Agassiz Region, With Special Reference to Southeastern Manitoba 12,000 – 7,000 Bp |
E. L. Syms, T. Dedi, G. Wowchuk, K. Speirs, and S. Broadhurst - Identifying New Late-Woodland Ceramic Traditions in The Swan Valley, Western Manitoba. T. Dodson and A. Myers - Prisoners of War and Dreams of Freedom: Dugout Canoes at a Second World War Work Camp in Manitoba, Canada
*Only electronic copies are available* |
Glacial Lake Agassiz Survey 1965-1969 Leo Pettipas - Part I: Background Palaeoecology & Environmental Archaeology Before the Glacial Lake Agassiz Survey Archaeological Systematics and Cultural-Historical Integration, 1965 Palaeohistory Without Archaeology Cultural-Environmental Integration The Glacial Lake Agassiz Survey Part II: Historical Documentation W J Mayer-Oakes - Proposal to Conduct Research C T Shay - Comments on a Proposal to Conduct Research in Environmental Archaeology in The Glacial Lake Agassiz Basin M. H. Hill - An Archeological Survey in The Glacial Lake Agassiz Basin in Manitoba, 1965 W. J. Mayer-Oakes - Environmental Archaeology, Glacial Lake Agassiz, 1965 Leo Pettipas The Lake Agassiz Survey, 1965 M. J. Tamplin - The 1966 Glacial Lake Agassiz Survey: A Preliminary Report M. J. Tamplin - The Glacial Lake Agassiz Survey 1967 M. J. Tamplin - Addendum: Excavations at Delta, 1967 David McDowell - The Manitoba Historic Sites Survey, 1967 Morgan J Tamplin - Archaeological Survey and Excavation in Three Selected Areas of the Glacial Lake Agassiz Basin in Manitoba, 1968 Field Season Morgan J Tamplin - The Glacial Lake Agassiz Survey 1968 Morgan J Tamplin - The Glacial Lake Agassiz Archaeological Survey: Summary Report 1969 Leo Pettipas - Part III: Retrospection |
Leo Pettipas - Geochronology and Archaeology Leo Pettipas - An Unusual Spear Point from The West-Lake District of Manitoba Leo Pettipas - Re-Visiting The “Aqua Plano” Concept, With Special Reference to The Brohm Site Kelsey Samuel - The 2014 Archaeological Excavations in Bonnycastle Park Michael E. Kelly - Archaeological Excavations at Upper Fort Garry, 1979 Greg Monks - Upper Fort Garry, DlLg-21 Jack Steinbring - Some Unusual Sites on Lake St. Andrew |
Amber C. Z. Flett - Examining Mâhihk (Clark Lake, Manitoba) As A Regional Centre: A Study of a Northern Boreal Forest Ingathering Area Katherine Pettipas - Cree Willow Bark Objects: A Response to Doug Evans’ 1969 Query M. E. Malainey, G. Hill, M. Brandt and B. Strong - The Rural Museum Archaeological Outreach Project at Brandon University: An Example of Collaborative Public Archaeology in Southwest Manitoba Leo Pettipas - Proposed Revisions to the Hypothesized Ethnicity of the Western Woodland Algonquian Configuration |
J. Malasiuk, R. Wondrasek, K. Zbeetnoff, S. Girard, A. Beard, R. Parry, S. Kasstan, S. Longworth, A. Benner, W. Lewis, C. McNamee, H. Cyr, and L. Pettipas - DjMb-26: A Study of a Preceramic Site in Southwestern Manitoba,With Special Reference to the Diagnostics Leo Pettipas - Revisions to The Lake Agassiz-Early Indigenous Cultural Correlations, With Special Reference to The Campbell Strandline Complex Leo Pettipas - Western Woodland Taxonomy: Review and Proposed Amendments Leo Pettipas - Summaries and Comparisons of Woodland Archaeo-Chronologies of South-Central and Southwestern Manitoba, 1948 And 2018 Amber C.Z. Flett - A Sample of Artifacts from The Clark Lake Locality, Northern Manitoba |
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